Among the first identities of Aalaap, the brand, was the magazine. A bi-monthly editorial initiative that compiled varied and compelling points of view on specific themed subjects by artistes and those with deliberate perspectives on the arts, Aalaap journeyed 18 different terrains, unfurling a slew of dimensions designed to celebrate the sanctity of the arts but in a dynamic, contemporary context. Intended to allow not only connoisseurs of the arts but also the uninitiated in the arts to access it, the Magazine section - all with interesting, curated cover designs that attempt to capture the spine and vein of the topic in concern - will allow you to understand and appreciate many ideas articulated by many, many artistes and scholars, in a manner that is lucid and beautiful. Much like the arts itself!

We are happy to visit and revisit our Magazine’s archives; we hope you will dig around and discover ideas that'll make you reflect upon the arts, and it’s world.